January has been an exciting time at Leisure-net as we see the pace pick up ready for active-net. This month we were excited to confirm that Steve Parry would be our evening speaker at the event. With a massive back catalogue of entertaining anecdotes and experience as an Olympian we are certain that he will be able to deliver a funny, insightful, and important evening speech for our delegates.
This month we were excited to confirm the topic for active-net. Looking at the great advancements we’ve made elsewhere in society we thought it was important to look at the impact of Data and Technology in the workplace to enhance visitor experience. Using a real-life experience, delegates will have the chance go step-by-step through the process of both managing the impact of data and technology, alongside understanding how it can be used to better the customer experience.
February also saw the appointment of Co-Director David Monkhouse to Chesterfield Borough Council in assisting them through a key operational transition to zero subsidy management. David’s experience in the leisure sector will be key in helping Chesterfield BC through his Gateway Zero project to achieve these ambitious, but achievable plans.
In March Mike Hill, Co-Director contributed to the Editor’s letter for Health Club Management. The letter focused on the increase in women identifying as attending the gym to ‘be healthier’ rather than losing weight, and much of Leisure-net’s research agrees with this statement.